BCBSM Stream Test 2

If you have coronavirus, here’s how to protect the people you love

As more testing becomes available, the more people will test positive for COVID-19. Many people are wondering what to do if they test positive. Here you can find a great list on how to protect yourself and keep those around you safe. As always, You can watch the full announcement here and read the order here.  Be sure to tune in to the Civic Center TV and 89.3 Lakes FM Megacast every weekday from 10am-12pm for the latest local updates and news.


County Commissioner David Coulter Issues New Workplace Screening Guidelines

Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter issued important new guidelines for essential workplaces that are remaining open during the coronavirus pandemic.  All employees need to be screened for coronavirus symptoms as they report to work.  You can watch the full announcement here and read the order here.  Be sure to tune in to the Civic Center TV and 89.3 Lakes FM Megacast every weekday from 10am-12pm for the latest local updates and news.

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